The Vessel

The Vessel

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Golconda to Green Turtle Bay

Today, we arose with the sun to start another day of our river trip.
Sunrise at Golconda Marina
We leave Golconda, Illinois,  home for only 700 people, but likely the most 700 nicest people you would ever want to meet!
Downtown view of Golconda, Illinois

According to our plan last night, we meet up with Kumbaya and the US Towboat at Smithfield Lock.  As at least 20 barges are beached on shore to pass southbound, we were a little worried.  However, we ended up with only a wait of about 2 hours to lock through.  When given the clearance, we entered  not only with Kumbaya, but with Kelly Lee, a large benzene barge,  but smaller than most, so we could be accommodated in the same chamber.  Not sure what benzene is, but quickly got the idea it is flammable with the warning signs all over the barges of the tow.
Kumbaya and Tow Boat US tied up to starboard side of dock. 
We tie up port side next to Kumbaya and behind the Kelly Lee.
Jackie handles the lock lines.
We leave the lock and enter the Cumberland River.  We are happy to get off the Ohio and  rid of the barges, for the most part. The Cumberland River,  in comparison to the Ohio River, has negligible commercial traffic and we are able to run around 20 mph with our wake not causing issues.
Cumberland River
At the end of the Cumberland River is Barkley Dam which will take us to Lake Barkley.  This is the first lock on our trip in which we will rise up, and not fall.  The wait is about 45 minutes to lock through and we are alone this time.  With a  rise of 48 feet, it operates with a gravity fill and empty system and exchanges 37,500,000 gallons of water per lockage. The water rushes in under us, which is a new experience.
Barkley Lock
Once above the lock, we are in Barkley Lake.  Lake Barkley is 134 miles long with 1004 miles of shoreline. longer a river, but a beautiful lake with wonderful water.
Barkley Lake
About a mile into Barkley Lake, we arrive to Green Turtle Bay Resort and Marina, home to 450 slips. This marina boasts two restaurants, a spa, indoor pool and even botox! This is where we will stay for at least two nights to give the dogs and us a break, do our laundry, buy some perishables and watch some Sunday football.
Green Turtle Resort and Marina
Our day has ended.  We traveled only  50 miles or so, but it has taken us 8 hours.  Tonight we will cook on the boat and drink some cold ones.  Tomorrow is Sunday and a day of rest!  Goodnight all.

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