The Vessel

The Vessel

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Journey From Cincinnnati Begins!

The journey begins. After a very rainy day in Cincinnati on Sunday, we hesitantly set out on Monday, October 7th, 2013 from Four Seasons Marina, bidding farewell to our home and dock neighbors for the last few years.  The sun comes out, but there is a cool breeze making sure we know fall is near and our time to head south is getting short.
Four Seasons Marina

Entering the river, we see it is rough, with small white caps, muddy and debris filled.  NOT the beautiful Ohio for sure.  We continue past Cincinnati and decide to take things slow and watch out for logs, which could end our trip before we even start.
Cincinnati, Ohio
The river continues to be in not the best condition until we pass Aurora, Indiana. Amazingly, almost magically,  it becomes calm and clear (relatively).  Today we traveled approximately 79 miles to Florence, IN and will be spending the night in Turtle Crekk Marina, which lucky for us is close to Belterra Casino which provides a shuttle service.  So...Jeff Ruby's steak is in our future tonight, celebrating our first day without any major issues and only a little fighting. :)
Turtle Creek  Harbor Marina
Our view for the night.....
Turtle Creek Harbor Marina
Tomorrow is another day on the move, but we are thrilled with the weather forecast and looking forward to another great day on the water.

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