The Vessel

The Vessel

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Louisville to Mile Marker 719

Another beautiful morning and we bid farewell to Louisville around 11 am and head downriver.
Louisville Waterfront
Once past the city, we lock through McAlpine Lock and Dam.  This lock is situated at the Falls of the Ohio River, the only falls the entire length of the Ohio River. Without this lock, the Ohio River would not be passable for marine travel.
Approach to McAlpine Lock
Once locked through, we continue down river for approximately 110 miles.  The river bends often and at times takes on the appearance of a lake, not a river. The water is clearer today, but still encounter areas of debris. We do not see any other pleasure boats, but share the river with many barges in this very uninhabited stretch of the river.
One of many barges
Able to increase our speed in some of the clearer water areas.
We arrive at Rocky Point Marina, get diesel for the first time, and will spend the night.
Rocky Point Marina - fuel dock and transient slip all in one
We are tired today, with the total miles traveled about 120.  We are thankful to God for the beautiful weather we have been blessed with thus far. Tomorrow we begin again....

Dog Tired!