The Vessel

The Vessel

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Turtle Creek Marina to Louisville KY

After a great steak dinner with a glass of wine last night, combined with helping the local economy by visiting the casino, we begin a new day.
Jeff Ruby's Beltarra Restaurant
Although up at 7 to let the dogs out, we cannot leave until the fog lifts.
Turtle Creek Marina early AM
Around 11 AM, we  leave. Immediately downriver is the Markland Dam which will take us from an Ohio River pool level of about 42 feet to the Louisville Pool of 20 feet.  As it is a Tuesday, with not much pleasure craft traffic, there is no wait to lock through.
Approach to Markland Damn
Inside  the lock, it is filled with debris and all kinds of objects. Not a place to fall overboard for sure! Once we are secure, they close the huge doors, and sound the alarm.  We have been through this lock many times, so it is nice to start the first of many locks on this trip with some prior experience.  The locks screech and creak, which is really eerie and gives the dogs some jitters, to say the least.
Doors to lock closing

It takes no more than 30 minutes to lock through.
Drop about 20 feet to the Louisville Pool

Once through the lock, we continue southbound past Madison, Indiana.  At this point, the river gets crummy with lots of debris.  We slow it down all the way into Louisville.  Near Louisville the river becomes very scenic with many beautiful homes and islands dot the river.
Louisville 1937 Flood sign
We arrive in Louisville and are now docked at the Louisville Water Front Park Dock, which is free and borders a great public park.

So our journey today was about 74 miles.  A beautiful night to end another great day on the water.

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