The Vessel

The Vessel

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fort Myers to Marco....NOT

We had such a great time at Legacy Marina the past few days!  We met so many friendly, fun and interesting people.  As our time cruising is short and we want to see and explore new areas, we say goodbye to Ft. Myers and head south.

Thank you Kathy and Keith for an awesome steak dinner on Pandora!

Flexibility is the key when boating.  We planned to leave Ft Myers on Monday, but of course with any boating repair, there is a hiccup.  The carpet we ordered was the correct Silverton model pattern, but from an incorrect year. UGH!!  So we must wait until Tuesday when the  local canvas/carpet  guy can repair the mistake...for a price of course.


Before noon on Tuesday, we leave  Legacy Marina  and head to  Marco Island. The skies are cloudy today.

Goodbye Legacy Marina

On our travels, we see crab fisherman picking up their pots,  Running into a crab pot can  ruin your trip as the lines will tangle into your props. They are everywhere so we watch for the crab pots at all times,


The wind picks up and rain starts to fall as we leave the Caloosahatchee River and enter the San Carlos Bay.  The 35 or so miles to Marco Island, via the Gulf, will have to wait for another day.  We  bail; the sea swells are just too much. The dogs were on edge but this time Buster lived up to his Salty Dog collar, thankfully!

Our path today

We turn into  Fort Myers Beach Harbor and return to Pink Shell Marina.  We love the facilities at this marina, although the wake and the slap of water on the hull can be annoying at times.

Pink Shell Marina and Resort

All recovered and just chilling now.

Can't catch fish just sitting there Captain!

Although the trip to Marco Island is delayed, we realize that the important thing is to enjoy the journey and have fun.  Today on the Gulf would not have been either.  You need to wait for the day and then enjoy the ride.  Hopefully tomorrow....????

I am ending this post with a special shout out to my son Evan.   Thanks for giving this Blog a needed face lift!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Back Onboard

After a summer of major surgeries, first Tom, then my father and finally Bailey, we are glad to see fall arrive and head back to Florida to reunite with Crazy 8.

Bailey's Torn ACL...ouch!

This October we journey on highways, not waterways, to Florida, taking only 36 hours total, not 36 days like last year.

Beautiful fall colors in the hills of Kentucky.

Bailey and Buster along for the ride.

On the way down, we stop at Savannah, Georgia for the night.   Savannah is a very cool town and we enjoy walking the historic streets and seeing the sights.


Historic river district Savannah, Georgia

We arrive Thursday, October 16th, to River Forest yachting center where our boat has been stored since March.

We spend the night here, tied up to their wall, and begin the process of cleaning and stocking the boat.

Many boats waiting to get back into the water now that hurricane season  is over (cross our fingers).

Friday, at noon, we leave River Forest and head to Fort Myers.

Off we go!

We travel down the Caloosahatchee River from Moore Haven. We pass through several bridges, 2 of which need to open for our passage, and two locks.  The water is comparable to tea or coffee. Before the river was connected to Lake Okeechobee over 100 years ago, the water was clear as gin and the bottom sandy. Now these two bodies of water are connected, causing disastrous ecological problems. Today, the bottom of the river is muck and the water is brown, polluted and ill.  A century of nutrients washing into the  lake from development and farm fields is one very big reason, named the Lake Okeechobee Effect.

Caloosahatchee River water.

We enjoy the leisurely trip into downtown Fort Myers and pull into Legacy Harbor Marina.

All's running smooth!

 We have carpet to replace on the deck and a prop to fix, so we will enjoy Fort Myers for a few days.

Slip C1. Not a bad view!

Saturday night brings zombiCON.  It is the largest street party in downtown Ft. Myers celebrating the place where Romero filmed the opening scene of Day of the Dead 29 years ago.


Since we have arrived, there has been clear blue skies and temperatures in the 80's with little humidity.  Only hardship has been watching the Bengals play today. YIKES!!!
