The Vessel

The Vessel

Friday, October 11, 2013

Cannelton Lock to Inland Marine

Today we began at 7 am...but again there was fog.

There is a lock there...the fog has it covered.
We were able to take off around 10 am.  We passed through 2 locks today, Cannelton and Newburg. Some anxious moments...but we are still talking and no one floating.  So all is good.....

The trip today covered 80 miles and it was more scenic than yesterday.
Rockport Bridge

Owensboro Ky

Just past the last lock, is the quaint town of Newburg, IN.  The homes were amazing. Our pictures do not do them justice for sure.
Newburgh, IN
We arrive for the night at Inland Marine.  Too bad the Tiki Bar is closed, as we have the perfect spot for a carry out!
Transient Dock - Inland Marine
All in all, an uneventful trip until Tom encounters the one legged, no engine houseboat cove dweller.  The first thought in our mind was the movie Deliverance,  but all ended well. We joked with him that we thought he would come back with a shot gun, but he replied that as an ex felon, he cannot own a gun. So we are resting easy tonight given Indiana's gun laws. After that encounter, we met an extremely nice woman, and fellow boater, named Marty.  She drove us to the Casino (somehow there is always one in IN) and we enjoyed dinner together at Callahans.  Thank you Marty for your company and hospitality!

Until Tomorrow...

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