The Vessel

The Vessel

Monday, October 14, 2013

Green Turtle Bay Resort and Marina

We are enjoying our stay at the Green Turtle Bay Resort and Marina.  Again, we meet wonderful people.  A special thanks to local boater Jerry who took us with him and his grandson to church on Sunday and then to the grocery store.
Entrance sign by boat into the Marina.
Entrance sign by car or golf cart

Lake Barkley is beautiful and the scenery and sights are much different than those along the Ohio River.
A beautiful lake house
Not too many of these on the Ohio River!
We spent the past two days cleaning the boat, our clothes,  restocking supplies, and enjoying a break.  We even managed to get the dogs groomed.
Tom at marina boat store.

Sunday dinner at the Green Turtle Bay Restaurant

Today, by golf cart, we ventured into Grand Rivers, KY,  a small village (about 400 people) sandwiched between Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley. They are known for their huge holiday festival of lights and for Patti's 1880 Settlement, which was voted best small town restaurant in the Southeast United States.
Patti's  1880 Settlment garden
They also have several cute boutique shops.
Pink Tractor Boutique
Tomorrow rain is predicted and we need to fix a broken windshield. So, it looks like it will be Wednesday before we start back on the water. While we are enjoying the stay, we are anxious to get back to our travels.


  1. That's great !! Look like you don't have any issue. Just sign up to get email update!!
    Let us know if you want some Skyline, we can send to you via ups to your next marina destination :-)
    Patrice and Rebecca from D dock 4 season

  2. Thanks Patrice and Rebecca. After eating all the fried catfish, we may just take you up on that offer!
