The Vessel

The Vessel

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pebble Isle Marina to Clifton Marina

Today we wake to the sound of rain pummeling the bow - not good.  We decide to venture into the Grey Heron, the marina's restaurant, and are met with complementary sweet rolls and coffee.  The day was looking a little better!   There, we encounter a group of experienced southern cruisers who are more than happy to share their tips and recommendations.  We decide to leave later, around 11 am,  and cut our planned trip in half, traveling only 60 miles.
Disconnecting the shore power
As we leave Pebble Isle Marina in Johnsonville, TN, the sun appears!
Pebble Isle Marina
We leave the marina and travel 60 some miles on the Kentucky Lake/Tennessee River to our next stop, Clifton Marina, in Clifton, TN. Our journey takes us through wildlife preservation areas, industrial areas, and scenic river homes.
In areas the water is a mirror.
Dredging operations
River homes built to withstand  rising river levels.

Other homes built on natural flood protection

We arrive approximately 6 hours later, traveling at a leisurely pace, to our stop for the night, Clifton Marina. We receive another warm and friendly welcome. We are happy to have found a new home to rest and call it a day.
Sunset at Clifton Marina

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