The Vessel

The Vessel

Monday, March 3, 2014

Legacy Harbour, Fort Myers to Pink Shell Resort and Marina, Ft. Myers Beach Florida

After enjoying a nice weekend in Fort Myers, we leave on Monday (a week ago already), and head directly to the fuel dock.  We semi- fill up with approximately 280 gallons of diesel...ouch!  We have not filled our tanks since Carrabelle which was before our gulf crossing in the fall.

Thirsty tanks leave a wallet parched.

We say goodbye to Legacy Harbour and Fort Myers.

Legacy Harbour Marina

We head back down the Caloosahatchee River, into Pine Island Sound and head to the Gulf of Mexico. We pass through Mantanzas Pass into Fort Myers Beach area. It is crazy busy with boats.

Ft. Myers Beach
We arrive at Pink Shell Resort and Marina.  We stayed here last year at the resort with our son Jack, so we know what to expect.  We have high hopes that  this year we do not come down with flu and visit the ER. All goes well. No hospital visits this year. 

Long way from home!

We have fun exploring in our dinghy.

Every harbor needs a....
Pirate Ship!
Nice hideaway for your smaller craft.

To avoid the traffic, which is actually horrible at this time of year, you can dock your dinghy and patronize the restaurants and stores at downtown Ft. Myers Beach
Dinghy Dock, parking tight here too.

We spend a couple days enjoying the beach and pools at the very nice Pink Shell Resort.  On Thursday, our friend Dan, the captain of Dulcinea, our boat buddy in the fall,  picks us up to spend a couple days with him at his home in Bonita Springs.  He takes us on a tour of Naples and host a dinner for us on Thursday night.

A warm welcome from Dad Dan.

We enjoy a couple days in Bonita Springs and celebrate Tom's birthday.

Enjoying a toast of Dom Perignon with some  great friends. Bonded forever with our river adventure.
  Happy Birthday Tom!

Dan takes us for a nice cruise on the Dulcinea.  We stop for lunch at Pinchers in Tarpon Springs.  It is nice to relax on someone else's boat!
What lines??? 

Captain Tom??

A huge thank you to both Dan and Nancy for their hospitality.  We could not have met a nicer couple on our river adventure. We thank God for putting you both in our lives.  We will see you again in October!

Tom and Dan

So we end our trip in Fort Myers and head south to Naples.  We heard there is ice and snow at home.  We look up and this is what we see......

Hmmmm....may need to reapply today, and I am not talking rock salt!

Stay safe and warm!

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