The Vessel

The Vessel

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Gulf Crossing - Carrabelle to Clearwater

We began the day at 6 am, preparing for a 7 am departure from Carrabelle.  What is that saying???...Pink in morning, sailors warning??

Carrabelle Moorings sunrise Oct 7th 

We head into the Gulf.  We have never navigated these waters, and our brief introduction to the Gulf outside of Pensacola, has us a little leery.  Yesterday, the Apalachicola Bay was rough enough to question our decision to head into the Gulf of Mexico today.  But, the winds have changed; they are out of the north and are 5 mph or less.  This forecast of favorable Gulf travel weather is brief, only through Thursday evening.  We are told this is a go and the next opportunity to cross is not until Sunday at the earliest, so we rely on these weathered Floridian marina forecasters and head out with the much larger Andiamo. 

The Gulf weather looks not all that good!

Much to our surprise, the Gulf is actually fairly calm.  We are able to cross the passage at 24 mph.  There are a little rough areas, but in general, we had a smooth crossing.

Smooth Gulf Waters

And the dogs did fine!

It is kind of eerie not seeing land in any direction.  We did see multiple pods of dolphins and even heard a sonic boom we assume from  US Airforce  Jets, or, some city blew up 100 miles away. Other than that, the crossing was not that exciting, which is good! 

Clearwater Beach

After 160 miles, we arrive at Clearwater Beach Municipal Dock around 3 pm.
The boat next to us.  Wow...what a small world!

Our boating partner Andiamo decides to head south 60 more miles to Venice and take advantage of the calm waters.  We are ready to call it a day and head into Clearwater for the night, or two. So, we are on our own again, but have few miles left, so that is okay.
Sunset in Clearwater

A special thanks to all those who have been following us on the AIS and sent emails and texts congratulating us on crossing the Gulf.  We really appreciate it!  THANK YOU!!!


  1. hey crazy 8. good job! hope to see you all in longboat key. blue moon

  2. Thanks Blue Moon! We are heading to Longboat tomorrow. Then we head home. Hopefully we will see you next year! Safe travels and Happy Holidays!
