The Vessel

The Vessel

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mobile to Pensacola

Today we leave Eastern Shores Marina around 10 am with sunny blue skies and the temperature near 70 degrees.
Sailing yacht club opposite Eastern Shores Marina.  So pretty in the early morning.

We enter Mobile Bay and head into the Inter coastal Waterway.  It is about 15 miles perhaps.  The depths can fluctuate from 250 feet to 12 feet or less in minutes.  It is imperative  to find the markers and navigate accordingly.
Captain Tom!
We enter the mouth of the inter coastal,, and just for old times sake, we need to pass a barge doing so.

Another barge.

This barge's name is Divine Mercy. Some things are not to be questioned and we thank God for our safe journey thus far and that hopefully this will be our last barge to encounter. 

Inter coastal waterway entrance.

We enter the Inter coastal Waterway and travel several miles and decide to stop at Lulu's in Gulf Shores, AL for lunch. Lulu's is otherwise known as Jimmy Buffet's sister's restaurant.  We pull in, tie up, let the dogs out, and then realize how warm it is.  They can not stay on the boat without electric. We hope they let the dogs stay with us at our table, which is on a deck outside.  This is not allowed;  but the manager is happy to take both of them into her air conditioned office while we dine. We enjoyed lunch and afterwards, when we retrieve the dogs,  Bailey is laying on  their couch in the office....typical.  Definitely a fun stop and all so friendly.
Tied up to Lulu's
We continue on the Inter coastal Waterway.  Some of the bays, such as the Mobile, Peridido and Pensacola, are larger than what they seem to be on the maps we are given.  As it is our first time through this area, we navigate slowly and use our radar and even our I-Pad Apps.   The water, by sight, can be very deceiving.

Lots of water
We see white sand and the welcome sign to Florida.  Given the last couple of challenging days, our moods are lifted with the warmer weather, blue water, and the signs of civilization.

Welcome to Florida on the Inter coastal.

White sandy beaches. We arrived in Florida!
We arrive around 5:00 to our stop for the night, Palafox Marina and Yacht Harbor. We are met at the dock by an attendant who helps us tie up.  It is a very nice layover with wonderful docks along with a great sightseeing tours of unbelievable yachts. Florida is looking good!
Sunset over Pensacola Bay from Palafox Marina

We end tonight with dinner at Jaco's  Restaurant, near the marina.  Perhaps a little sun and wind burned, but  happy, actually thrilled, to have made it to Florida.

Jaco's Restaurant


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