The Vessel

The Vessel

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Columbus Marina to Sumter Landing

Today, I wake to a weather report of snowflakes from  my son Evan at OSU.  The weather outside my window shows clear blue sky. Granted, it is chilly, with temperatures in the 40's and a  forecast high of 65 degrees. I have to smile; I also am in Columbus, but Mississippi and not Columbus O-H-I-O!
View off our stern, October 23rd morning, Columbus Marina

We leave around 9:30 but encounter a wait to lock through our next lock, Stennis Lock.  It is windy, the river is choppy, and we need to hold up for an hour idling in these conditions until the lock shows green for go.  Not the greatest start to the day, but we realized yesterday that we could not make the run to Demopolis, Alabama, and will need to anchor along the way. The days are getting shorter and not knowing the waters, we do not want to arrive anywhere in the dark.  The river narrows after this lock and we pass barges along the way. The barge captains are friendlier the further south we travel.

Close pass with barge, Crimson White (I suppose a confirmation we are in Alabama!) We pass on his 1.  Need to learn the lingo quick.

We pass through one more lock, Bevill Lock.  They call these locks on the Tenn Tom the dirty dozen.  We have three more to go. Cannot wait to say goodbye to the dirty dozen. We travel southbound on the Tenn Tom and pull into Sumter Cove.  We have been told this is a safe and nice anchorage.  It is true.  We are off the river and in a nice cove and near a park to which we can dinghy the dogs ashore to find some grassy areas.
Tom bringing an additional stern line ashore to secure to a tree. This will help us not to swing.
We secure the anchor and tie up  for the night with our boat buddy Dulcinea. 

Crazy Eight and Dulcinea
Other boats join us for the night in the cove.

Sumter Cove, Alabama

We invite Dan and Nancy over for steaks and other inventive things, given we have not been to a real grocery since Cincinnati.  Dan brings the wine.  It turned out to be a great dinner, or perhaps we were all just hungry??

Nancy and Dan....cheers!
Tomorrow we head to Kingfisher Marina in Demopolis.  They advertise upscale laundry. I am not sure those two words should ever be used in a sentence, but the sad thing is, I can hardly wait!  Tonight, before bed, we will watch nature's show of a million stars. Goodnight All!!


  1. Congratulations Cincinnati, having anchored out you are now pros! Blue Moon

  2. Robyn, Enjoying your adventures. Glad you enjoyed Chattanooga. We have good memories of our son rowing there. We passed the Florida state line today, in the ICW. All is good!
